Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Eric Schliesser
Now one self-conscious byproduct of this approach is that from (some baseline) progress is possible. As in the sciences, even refutations and lack of confirmation can facilitate progress. Everybody's efforts matter.

Frege's logic would be the tool, but it is Schlick that developed the program of the free play in conceptual invention. Carnap debased the coin a bit by insisting we should be more modest conceptual engineers. But a scientific philosophy requires worker-bees and philosophical queens.

"The Significance of Quine's 'Flux of Experience' for freedom with scientific and formal philosophy"

I am not a promoter of a "scientific philosophy," I inherited it as a tradition (or "school").

"It is always fine to hear economists pretend that financial incentives do not matter."
The New York Times reports that the AEA is considering an ethics code. In the article, Mr. Lucas is reported as saying: “What disciplines economics, like any science, is whether your work can be replicated. It either stands up or it doesn’t. Your motivations and whatnot are secondary.” (Lucas won a Nobel in 1995.)

The future of Europe's stability rests in the capable hands of Angela Merkel.

I am, however, skeptical of all manner of academic efforts that seem primarily aimed at DE-legitimatizing Israel as a Jewish state.
Introducing a post in Elinor Ostrum he mentions that he learned of her death while he was hosting a "Workshop" on sympathy.

There are as many forms of self-interest as there are people.

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