Monday, January 30, 2023

no politics but decadence

Design as Crime and "architectural favela porn"

And remember that both Reed and Jäger publish on a site named for a word coined by Robert Smithson, and that Michael Fried is on the editorial committee. Two reactionaries one more honest than the other.
Vanguardism is elitism, and radical snobbery is like liberal Zionism. Rationalists rationalize.  

To read the text in the second pic, right-click and open in a new tab or window.

The publisher's name is Alex Stavrakas. His last failed attempt
Bedeutung is a magazine of Philosophy, Current Affairs, Art and Literature – an intellectually radical, political, engaged, daring and aesthetically captivating publication. The essays and imagery that appear in Bedeutung are intended to be uncompromisingly incisive. The thinkers and artists collaborating with Bedeutung range across many disciplines: philosophers, academics, authors, poets, film directors, composers, documentarists, painters, photographers, designers, architects, critics, actors.

We publish texts and imagery regardless of their contentiousness. We promote diversity where it is really needed: not in social, racial or sexual particularities but in conceptual and ideological struggles. Bedeutung is a magazine that promotes multiplicity precisely by ignoring ostensible constituents: we focus on ideas, we promote commitment, we welcome agendas, we undersign engagement.

Stavrakas was the publisher, editor-in-chief, and "creative director" 

I've found an archive. All three issues. It includes an interview with someone so absurdly pretentious and social climbing that he became a running joke at AFA. That's an achievement in itself.

Wikipedia includes a link to the Guardian. It's not pretty.

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