Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Republican official in Michigan embroiled in controversy over an anti-gay Facebook post said Friday that he won't be heeding the calls to step down and he stands by the content of the inflammatory article. Dave Agema, a Republican National Committeeman and former Michigan state representative, told Newschannel 3 that he has no intention of resigning, despite calls from members of his own party to do so. On Wednesday, Agema posted an article on his Facebook page in which homosexuals were described as "filthy." 
[repeat] Halperin's How to be Gay [paywalled, but also at ]
Back in 1972 a commentator made an observation with which Halperin makes great play. “At any given homosexual party, there will be two competing . . . people around whom interest and activity swirl: the ‘most beautiful’, most sexually desirable man there, and the ‘campiest’, most dramatic, most verbally entertaining queen.” This image, which he doesn’t find dismal, obsolete or hackneyed, helps him to distinguish the sexual habits of American gay men from their cultural practices: “the ancient antagonism between beauty and camp”, the antithesis between manliness and effete strutting, indicates “why gay culture is so incompatible with gay sex”, and highlights “the polarity of queer sensibility and sexual desire”. He complains that for many American men, homosexuality has been “an unreasoning reflex that was natural and voluntary: a sexual instinct . . . not an ethos”. This emphasis on copulation, together with the lesbian and gay movement’s portrayal of homosexuality as a political category rather than an emotional particularity, discouraged inquiry into the non-sexual techniques of the sub-culture. As a result, “a sanitising blackout” was imposed on effeminacy, “dishing, bitching . . . suavity and wit”.

...Elsewhere he explains that sexual acts between men can be “undignified, filthy, shameful, and perverse (at least if you’re doing it right)”.
NY Times
Has gay pride made gay men boring? Mr. Halperin thinks so. Devilishly, he deposes: “Sometimes I think homosexuality is wasted on gay people.” And, speaking about how gay men make their own uses of popular culture: “What do perverts do, after all, if not pervert?”
  Media Matters
The co-director of Johns Hopkins University's sexuality studies program is speaking out against his colleague Dr. Ben Carson's recent comments comparing supporters of marriage equality to members of NAMBLA and practitioners of bestiality.
"I don't think most people at Hopkins think what he says on this subject matters," Professor Todd Shepard, co-director of the university's Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, said in a statement to Media Matters. "They make him look nasty, petty, and ill-informed. It doesn't tell us anything about his amazing abilities as a surgeon. It does remind us, however, that those abilities do not mean we should listen to what he says in any other domain."
During a March 26 appearance on Fox News, Carson said, "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."
One's experience with this stuff is highly dependent on precisely when (and to a lesser extent, where) one grew up, but when I grew up gay people didn't exist, God had delivered a plague to kill them all, and being gay was the worst possible thing ever. No those things don't make any consistent sense, I'm just trying to deliver up the messages the culture had delivered to my 13-year-old brain. There was a plague. Gay people were almost entirely nonexistent in mainstream popular culture. And being gay was the worst possible thing you could be.
I'm not even sure where I heard that last message. It was certainly true, and everyone knew it. But I actually have no clue where it came from. The nonexistence of gay people to young teenage me is hard to square with the being gay is the worst thing ever message I received. Still I received it.
Duncan Black is 9 years younger than me.

One day when I was 13 years old, at the back of the line at the school lunch counter, a teacher known popularly as "skull-face", standing about ten spaces in front of me, answered the lunch lady's question: "Two hamburgers... Naked, please". His eyes widened as he turned towards his audience of 7th graders, who heaved a quiet, collective sigh.

A few years later a story made the rounds in my circle of two teachers in NY for a weekend, out at a bar the West Village. One of them walked across the room and looked down into the face of someone getting fucked on the floor. He turned back to his friend: " 'D-, isn't this one of your students?" The student told the story.

In college a friend of mine complained about going to see her father out on Fire Island after one of his weekend fist-fucking parties; the place smelled of shit and puke.  She shrugged. A friend living in the West Village years ago described neighbors' scowls when she walked down the street in the morning wearing whatever she had lying around, no makeup, hair a mess, to pick up a pack of cigarettes. She called it fascist. An old girlfriend who grew up in West Hollywood had her beaten-up car towed, twice, by her parents' new next door neighbors who didn't like the sight of an old Toyota in front of their perfect home with it's clean white picket fence.

Moralists are simpletons.  Liberals dream of a utopia of exemplary ideas to make up for their mediocre lives; but if you're unwilling to face the complexity of the world, or even your own life, you're unable to model anything beyond a fantasy.

Technocrats' claims of cosmopolitanism are obscene.

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