Saturday, July 02, 2005

Nathan Newman (read the last few posts)
Atrios links to a letter at Poynter.

The photo is a of my father, from the late 60's. My mother was less public, and less interested in theater, but she's listed on Amazon for a 32 page pamphlet (unavailable) she wrote for the ACLU in 1976: Women and the law in Pennsylvania. My father is known in academic circles as the author of one essay in the study of American detective fiction. So far I'm known for one essay on Warhol, written when I was 23, and which seems to get footnoted often, if not reprinted.

We found the FBI files in the basement, near the Norman Mailer collection, which my mother didn't get rid of after all.
We are Planning an act of direct creative resistance to the war and the draft on October 20. The locale of our action will be the Department of Justice. We will gather at the First United Congregational Church of Christ, 10th and G Streets, N.W., Washington (near Pennsylvania) Avenue) at 1 P.M. We will appear at the Justice Department together with 30 or 40 young men brought by us to Washington to represent the 24 Resistance groups from all over the country. There we will present to the Attorney General the draft cards turned in locally by these groups on October 16. (Those of us who want to include their own draft cards will be able to do so.) We will, in a clear simple ceremony make concrete our affirmation of support for these young men who are the spearhead of direct resistance to the war and all its machinery.

The draft law commands that we shall not aid, abet or counsel men to refuse the draft. But as a group of the clergy have recently said, when young men refuse to allow their conscience to be violated by an unjust law and a criminal war, then it is necessary for their elders- their teachers, ministers, friends- to make clear their commitment, in conscience, to aid, abet, and counsel them against conscription. Most of us have already done this privately. Now publicly we will demonstrate, side by side with these young men, our determination to continue to do so.

Mitchell Goodman, Henry Braun, Denise Levertov, Noam Chomsky, William Sloan Coffin, Dwight Macdonald

Note: Among the hundreds already committed to this action are Robert Lowell, Norman Mailer, Ashley Montagu, Arthur Waskow, and professors from most of the major colleges and universities in the East.
Reproduced in The Armies of the Night. Henry pointed it out to me with a laugh at my mother's memorial yesterday.

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