From Leiter, again. Peter Ludlow again.
Two months later, Slavin emailed the student, telling her that the university concluded the professor “engaged in unwelcome and inappropriate sexual advances” toward her. The director went on to say that the student was “incapacitated due to the heavy consumption of alcohol” purchased for her by the professor."‘philosopher’ is an honorific term that we hand out to people whose thinking about foundational issues we admire and approve of. It’s like putting a gold star next to someone’s name. ...I gave myself the gold star."
According to the suit, the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office was made aware of Slavin’s findings, saying they would work with that office on “implementing needed corrective and remedial actions,” the suit stated.
A committee established to decide what kind of disciplinary action should be taken against the professor determined he should be terminated, but “Northwestern ignored its own committee’s decision and recommendation and continues to employ [him] as a professor,” the suit claims.
The student said philosophy Prof. Peter Ludlow sexually assaulted her following a downtown Chicago art show the two attended together in February 2012. According to the suit, filed Monday, Ludlow bought the student alcohol and ignored her repeated requests to return to Evanston, taking her to his apartment where she lost consciousness. The student said she regained consciousness early the next morning in Ludlow’s bed.
The student is suing the University for the payment of all past and future medical bills and education expenses, reparation for emotional distress and appropriate remedial actions, according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit demands resolution through trial by jury.
"No baby... please... I understand you... you're a part of me! I have an extended mind!"
Colin McGinn was raised a Catholic. His arguments follow structures founded in Catholic doctrine: arguments concerning "truth" made from authority. His model is the model of ideal judgment. The same with the rest of them.
Subtext: As recently with Farrell, who couldn't see the meaning of an action that wasn't tied to the internal logic of its form. If I call your mother a whore, knowing that you'll take a swing at me and get thrown out of the game, the truth value of my statement is irrelevant. The statement had another form, the form of insult.
"The lawsuit demands resolution through trial by jury."
All people hate lawyers until they need one.
"Lawyers... are the rule of law." Lawyers, not judges, not philosophy professors.
...A felt need for meant entities may derive from an earlier failure to appreciate that meaning and reference are distinct. Once the theory of meaning is sharply separated from the theory of reference, it is a short step to recognizing as the business of the theory of meaning simply the synonymy of linguistic forms and the analyticity of statements; meanings themselves, as obscure intermediary entities, may well be abandoned.No. Just no.
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It's Rashomon, you idiots |
It didn't register that Ludlow writes under a pseudonym and is the founder of The Alphaville Herald
It just gets worse, and worse.
Futurism and Data Culture
"What is your secret? Tell me, Mr. Caution."
Men of my type will soon become extinct.
Why not?
Defendant denies that all of Plaintiffs communications with him were professional. While Defendant admits that some of Plaintiffs communications with him were professional, he affirmatively states that Plaintiff had several unprofessional communicusions with him including telling him Mai she was "real life-broke broke and second life broke," stating several tunes that she wanted to date him, and saying that she was "totally DTF" him which she explained meant "down to fuck"….It's tawdry and sad, and has no place in the discussion of philosophy if philosophy is designated by hard distinctions between serious and non-serious, or parasitic writing. If you don't make hard distinctions it's a comedy.
ANSWER: Defendant denies talking about his sea life and denies asking Plaintiff about hers. Defendant affirmatively states that Plaintiff told him that she wanted to date him and that when he raised a question shout their age difference she she told him that she had previously dated someone fourteen years older than her. Defendant admits that he told Plaintiff that he had dated one student at another university where he taught when he was younger but affirmatively states that he never violated any university policy in doing so. Defendant denies stating that he had slept with students at other schools….
ANSWER: Defendant denies kissing Plaintiff at the bar. Instead, Defendant states that Plaintiff leaned in and kissed him. Defendant admits that he did not initially pull away but…
Aristophanes may or may not have got Socrates right in taking him to be a dangerous subversive, but Plato was certainly on Aristophanes’ side in thinking that a happy ending was possible only in a polity from which “sophists” were excluded. The difference is that Plato added to Aristophanes’ arsenal of satire, innuendo, drama, slapstick, and verbal pyrotechnics a highly developed variant of one of the sophists’ own weapons, ratiocination.Who laughs at the the watchmen when the watchmen become voyeurs?
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