Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Leaders of Iran’s ‘Election Coup’
It underplays Rafsanjani a lot, referring to Ahmadinejad's charges of corruption but nothing else.

update: The page is gone. Now at google cache

update #2: And now it's it's back, unchanged except for an additional paragraph
Under Mr. Ahmadinejad, the IRGC has penetrated important sectors of Iran’s economy, and is rapidly developing a monopoly on a majority of a wide range of government projects as well as the private sector. On the other hand, Mr. Rafsanjani and his associates also have extensive economic activities and interests. They also favor foreign investments in the country, whereas the IRGC opposes it because it cannot compete with modern technology and planning.
Read this one as well: Asia Times (final graph):
In respect of the economy, it was quite evident in January when I was last in Teheran, as the only non-Iranian speaker at a high-level conference, that the "reformist" Western financial approach to privatize everything and fuel the economy with debt, has taken a big hit. Here, the reformists are in exactly the same position as Obama: they don't have a Plan B.
Rural Iran and Election Fraud
Something annoys me about Tehran Bureau.
More here
South is South
Jila B. is a civil rights activist and journalist in Iran. Her perspective is as someone from within the crowd to other like-minded people within the crowd, which is why I like it so much: it’s not one of CNN’s iReports or heated Tweets. (Photo: Tehran, by Anonymous. Persian text by Jila B. originally forward to me by Sima. My translation below).

---We were sitting in Azadi Square when all of a sudden I heard successive gunshot noises. Immediately after about 20 to 30 young people moved toward all the street corners from the square. They moved toward the crowd and started yelling, “Why are you sitting here? They have killed 7 people up there, let’s go take revenge for our brothers’ blood.”

‘Some people even had bloody cloths in their hands and said, “This is the blood of your brothers.” But these cloths did not look like actual pieces of clothes. Someone yelled, “I saw with my own eyes that the eye of one young man was taken out of its socket and fell on the ground.” On the whole their behavior and statements were strange, it seemed. Then again some people became emotional and started moving briskly toward street corners but others were gesturing, “Get back in the square!”

‘It seemed [the vanguards] could not or did not want to enter the throngs of thousands of people inside Azadi Square. My observations will become interesting to you when you know that Radio Payam constantly reported today that in the banned demonstrations yesterday [Monday] 7 people were killed. It seems that there is a strange insistence in creating the effects of fear and terror, and in the gatherings we should be cautious about not becoming emotionally trapped by those who persistently emphasize violence.---

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